Demo Videos

Learn more about how our products are used.

Maintenance of Competence Recording System

See a step by step demo of our recording system. Records frequency based training and incident activities mapped to bespoke core skills aligned to industry standards.

Application Programmer Interface (API)

The pdrPro API allows you to get data directly from the database. This video shows you general guidelines and help for using API.

Course Management System (CMS)

Centralised training can be managed from nomination to post course follow up. A calendar based system that allows admin, manager and individuals to nominate or any combination depending on your needs.

Course Management System - Reports

A wide range of reports can be run on the Course Management module. Here you will see how two different reports can be set up and run.

Equipment Testing

Frequency based equipment and PPE testing with comprehensive reporting.

Trainer reviewing and Core Skill
Setting up a Development Plan
Development Pathways

Development pathways is a flexible tool for creating development pathways and then assigning these pathways to individuals for customisation and completion.

Development Pathways - Admin Guide
Scenarios for learnPro
Incident Command Logs